We have all witnessed name calling as children. It is often deployed as a defence mechanism; but it isn’t something mature adults do. Utilised by children and which can be frequently explained by their under developed brains, both emotionally and intellectually. But why does Trump revert to name calling? Physically he is not a child, but mentally I ask myself “is he retarded in some way?”
Calling someone derogatory names makes him feel powerful, when in reality he is demonstrating his own weakness. Believing that bullying a person into submission or hurting someones feelings may cause them to cease whatever action he considers threatening. In children it is defence mechanism, a reflex-reaction during stressful situations which they are intellectually equipped to deal with; whereas mature adults simply brush it off as mindless foolishness. They may be a belief such actions shift focus away from themselves onto someone else.
In an adult it confirms a child-like intelligence, lack of maturity and underdeveloped intellect.
What name calling indicates about a person is mental instability

Adults with low emotional intelligence may revert to name calling as a defence mechanism when they feel threatened. The name caller is acknowledging their own weakness and attempting to divert attention away from themselves and reflect it back on their target. “Stop looking at me and instead look at this other person!”
Name callers generally can’t match others intellectually and rather than offering a valid arguments, or well thought-out opposition to the position taken by another, instead they return-fire with mindless dribble. Reasonable people tend to quickly lose respect for repetitive name callers.
Sadly this kind of behaviour will appeal to similarly emotionally underdeveloped & uneducated people and herein lies the problem. In Trumps’ case he is playing a role he believes gains him supporters from those who cannot distinguish between right or wrong and mature or immature behaviour. At the same time Trump is retreating emotionally behind a barricade of people prepared to defend him. It is a gang mentality; individually they’re cowards but in groups believe they are invincible.
Name-calling is a form of verbal abuse and disrespect that involves using derogatory or insulting language to refer to a person or group. It is often used as a way to belittle or demean someone, and it can be a symptom of a number of underlying issues, including anger, frustration, insecurity, and a lack of respect for others. In some cases it may indicate serious mental deficiencies.
In interpersonal relationships, name-calling can be a sign of poor communication skills or a lack of emotional intelligence. It can also be a sign of underlying power imbalances or abusive dynamics, where one person is attempting to exert control over another through verbal abuse.
In more general terms, name-calling can also be a symptom of larger societal issues such as discrimination and prejudice. It can be used as a way to marginalize and stigmatize individuals or groups based on their identity, such as their race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.
Imbecility is a thing
According to vocabulary.com imbecility can be defined as;
Foolishness that would be typical of an imbecile is imbecility. Imbecility is from the Latin imbecillitatem, meaning “weakness, feebleness. If you are feeble of mind or weak on intellect and act accordingly.
The description above describes Donald Trump almost perfectly as well as many of his supporters.
Dealing with Trump’s abuse and name calling
In my opinion the way to combat childish ranting adults is ignoring them and deny them the satisfaction & attention they demand. They are attention seekers and Trump is constantly seeking attention, denying that attention on which he thrives is our best defence.
Recipients of Trumps name calling should not reply. Remember, “sticks & stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.” Ignoring a bully hurts them more than anything and when the attention they seek dries up they will recognise they’ve lost they war. Let’s face facts, Trump has sought the respect of his peers most of his life; sadly most people have little or no respect for him.
In a battle of wits Donald J Trump is unarmed
My own thoughts
Mainstream media should ignore his antics and simply not broadcast clips, or soundbites, when he goes off the rails. He’ll continue ranting & raving like a spoilt little girl on his twitter clone Truth Social and there isn’t much we can do about that. I cannot get onto Truth Social because I’m not in the United States. If I could I’d enjoy trolling his dimwitted Patriot Front supporters and interrupt their morning shower together and point out facts about the USA they are clearly not across. They don’t have the courage to show their faces and are unaware they are harming America.
Get your popcorn out, sit back and watch the sh*t-show.