Before you read much further I must point out this article is about an American company not an Australian one. If that disappoints you then click to another blog or website. 🙂 Also, this is an opinion piece based on my personal thoughts & opinions and knowledge of some of the people involved. I mention this because FE Core have a habit setting lawyers onto anyone claiming they are a bunch of bogus twats – which they are. FECore are totally bogus and their Tax Exemption Status is a joke.

Sadly, there are a people who still believe earth is as flat as a pancake and not orbiting around the sun – despite all the modern technology & evidence to the contrary. Many of them also believe the sun is only around 3,000 miles (4,800 kilometres) above earth. Dumb as dog shit if you ask me and purveyors of such rubbish are either doing it for financial gain, through youtube followers, preying on under educated gullible people.
Stupidity Obviously Pays Dividends
Money is a powerful motivator and some of these Fat Earthers, known as Flatards, do it for money and really don’t believe the lies they spread and that we live on a motionless flat surface covered by a dome – like a snow globe. Let me explain…
Youtube allows these so called “truth seekers” to find each other more easily and if you try hard enough you can gain popularity, which in turn creates subscribers which equals more views for your deranged videos. Lots of views & subscribers means you can monetise your delusions and get paid for them. A pretty good scam if you ask me! There are some who have no other paying job and do this stuff full time. The name Nathan Oakley immediately comes to mind. He is one of the biggest morons you will ever see. If you have ever viewed his videos you will know he’s a loud mouthed twit incapable of understanding even the most basic of scientific principles or reality. He has around 15,000 subscribers and is known for his bad attitude toward anyone not believing as he does. He does a daily show in which he repeats the same tripe over & over. Nathan & his bum-chums never actually leave their mums basements to perform for real experiments. They just sit there moaning about being lied to by the Government all from from the comfort of their respective lounge chairs.
Jeranism is another flat earther with over 148,000 subscribers. I will always give credit where credit is due and Jeranism deserves some. He occasionally does get outside & performs experiments although results are misinterpreted and he actually proves the globe model. To be honest I quite like Jeranism. He doesn’t resort to name calling and seems like a reasonably intelligent guy – unlike Oakley who is a grade-A buffoon (along with his number one bum-chum Quantum Eraser).
FECORE are totally bogus
Let me get back to the point of this article, FECORE and their tax exemption. In case you haven’t heard of them they are a collection of flat earthers who have formed an American Corporation. Company directors include some of the flat earthers found on youtube (not Nathan or QE – they are toooo stupid) and can’t even spell the word “company”.
If you are interested you can visit the FECORE Website.
I have no problem with someone creating a company if that’s what floats their boat, but I do have a problem with such companies being tax-payer subsidised. By “subsidised” I’m referring to their tax exemption status. They have claimed such status by declaring themselves a “charity” and a “scientific” organisation.
In my mind, if your company is spreading lies, preying on unintelligent people and declaring real science fraudulent then you have no right claiming tax exemptions. You are not helping mankind, you are holding us all back.
Defamation – Their weapon of choice

FECORE organisation have recently issued a number of lawsuits claiming they’ve been defamed in some way. Their knickers get bunched up when someone calls them out as liars, fraudsters or accuses them of manipulating experiment results because it suits their narrative. Hardly scientific!
More than a couple of FECORE directors have spent quite a lot of time calling other organisations liars & frauds. NASA is a favourite target. You see flat earthers don’t believe space exists nor does gravity. All the satellites in orbit are fake and whenever we see a shuttle launch NASA are actually crashing into the ocean. Astronauts can’t go into space because there is a dome over the earth – yes, just like a snow globe.
NASA should sue them
Here’s an idea. Perhaps NASA should offer the top half dozen flat earthers a ride into space. They can live stream their trip and show the “truth”. The catch is they all agree that if earth is flat they receive one billion dollars each. If it’s a globe they are hurled toward the sun, never to be seen or heard from again. What a great movie that would be.
But, I digress, having waffled on for longer than I should have my beef is with a bogus organisations receiving legitimacy through tax exemptions. It’s wrong and their 501(3) status should be revoked.
Common Thread

Generally speaking there is a common thread with all flat earthers. They all seem to believe in every conspiracy there is. Moon landing, 911, JFK assassination, etc. No matter how wacky something is a flat earther is likely to believe it. Some of them are convinced that Governments around the world are run by lizard people! Obviously Trump isn’t a lizard person, he’s the wrong colour and a bit to dimwitted.
Truth be told, I’m almost expecting a cease & desist or lawsuit from FECORE but it isn’t difficult to prove we live on a globe, the moon is real and gravity exists. Flat earthers believe in everything except reality. Some twats actually beleive the worlds airliners fly around the globe without burning any fuel; free energy from the air around them.
To be eligible for Tax exemption or Charity status you must be providing services to help humanity and FECore do not. They pretend to perform experiments, of which they never produce results, and when they do produce a result they lie about the outcome. They have proven over & over the earth is a globe but manipulate data to suit their own agenda.
They only release results to other believers whom pay fees to FECore. It is a recruiting drive for stupid people.
If they had half a brain
If any of them were serious they would crowd fund enough cash & support for a flight in a Mig aircraft Near Space Flight and see for themselves. Problem is they wont trust one of their own! If one of them actually did see the curve, others would claim the lizard people got to them or they were paid off by NASA. One prominent flat earther recently conclude the earth was indeed a globe and now they are all ganging up on him claiming he’s a paid shill from NASA.
See curve at sea level
If they were truly seeking the truth they’d look right in front of themselves. Curve can be seen just a few feet above sea level and all you need is a straight edge for comparison. You cannot see curve with the naked eye, you need a known straight edge allowing you to see what is flat and what isn’t. Here is what you do. Get a flat bit of timber, or even a flat fence along the ocean will do. It doesn’t have to be level, but it does have to be flat. Now, stand back a few metres and get your eye level the same height as the flat surface. Now line up the far right and far left of the flat surface with the horizon and look between the two ends and you will see curve rising up. Better still, put a camera on a tripod and line it all up. You will see curvature, if you don’t then you have done it wrong or your a liar.
I know, this is an American issue but…
I am fully aware FECORE are an American Company and have nothing to do with us in Australia, but I would have the same problem with such any organisation regardless of what country they were from. Trumpty Dumpty claimed he wants to improve the US economy, well I’d start with all those dodgy charities and other tax exempt companies & churches out there.