Author: Craig

Posted in Amusing Law & Order Media Opinion Personal Politics Potluck US Politics

What is wrong with Americans?

Is Donald Trump the worlds most famous idiot? With luck the 2020 Election will see the back of him. #2020PresidentialElection

Posted in Linux Opinion Personal Technology Web Hosting

How stupid are spammers?

If you’re going to become a spammer at least put in some effort. Malformed login credentials are never going to work you idiot!

Posted in How to Opinion Personal Potluck

Mechanics sometimes get it wrong

Mechanics treat the symptoms not the root cause. A tale of woe with our Toyota Cressida

Posted in Linux Technology Web Hosting

Managing Your Postfix Outbound Queue

While looking at your logs you discover jammed email going nowhere, What do you do next? Managing your postfix outbound queue.

Posted in How to Linux Potluck Technology Web Hosting

Sneaky workaround, fail2ban + Apache + Nginx

2 Servers, Nginx on 1, Apache on other. Same OS and fail2ban works on one, not other. #Centos, #Linux #Security #fail2ban

Posted in Health & Fitness Life Style Opinion Personal Potluck

Working from home in 2020 and beyond

Working from home now more common in 2020 than ever before. For my wife and her employer it is a winner.

Posted in How to Linux Potluck Technology Web Hosting

Firewalld, Fail2ban, Geo Blocks – protecting servers

Protect servers from hackers with firewalld, fail2ban & Geo Blocking #firewalld #linux #fail2ban #nginx #apache

Posted in Linux Technology Web Hosting

Nginx Reverse Proxy in RAM = Performance +

Want more Nginx speed? Cache directly to RAM and enjoy lighting performance.

Posted in Linux Personal Technology Web Hosting

I’ve just discovered the SCP command on Linux

SCP can save your life. Copy files from one ssh console to another fast. #Linux #SSH #Centos #WorkSmarter #LearnNewStuff

Posted in Linux Technology Web Hosting

DNS & Seconday DNS – Free

You will need two Name Servers if you want to self host Web Sites. Here is how to do it free.

Posted in Technology Web Hosting

SEO – Don’t forget ‘other’ search engines

Google isn’t where all your SEO efforts should be. 30% of internet searches are performed elsewhere. That’s a third of the population you’re missing.

Posted in Linux Technology Web Hosting

Securing CentOS 7 Minimal

Without some basic security you are inviting hackers hack.

Posted in Linux Technology Web Hosting

Web Hosting – At Home – Webmin

Why pay someone else for hosting your web site? Do it yourself…

Posted in Linux Technology Web Hosting

Reverse Proxy & Speed with NGINX

Nginx reverse proxy can speed up your Apache web server. It worked for me and I’m a convert.

Aortic Dissection
Posted in Health & Fitness Life Style Personal Potluck

Life after an Aortic Dissection

Moving to Perth saved my life. This is my account of life after an Aortic Dissection – something most people have never heard of.

Posted in Health & Fitness Law & Order Life Style Opinion Personal

Defending your property from invaders!

How far would you go to protect your family? Scumbag burglar cries foul after being shot. #SundayNight #JustDesserts #Karma

Bob Hawke
Posted in Law & Order Media Opinion Personal Politics Potluck

Remembering Bob Hawke, an Oz Revolutionary

Remembering Bob Hawke. I was there the night he lost the top job and Australia has lost an icon.

Low IQ Trump
Posted in Media Politics US Politics

Thankfully, Australia doesn’t have a Donald Trump

Who is of good moral character, Donald Trump or Robert Mueller? Hint… It’s not Trump!