When participating in any game at a casino or elsewhere, it’s essential we follow the established rules. This applies not only to the players but also to the croupiers and dealers, who must adhere to the regulations to avoid arousing suspicions from the players. It’s worth noting that players don’t appreciate being cheated or feeling like they are being taken advantage of; but are Roulette Croupiers cheating at Crown Casino, Perth? I am not accusing anyone of genuine cheating at Crown Casino, Perth, and am 100% certain what I saw was a mistake made by a croupier; over and over again.
As someone who is, mostly, observant and attentive I feel compelled to ask questions if I notice activities that appear suspicious. For instance, if you were to observe any signs of cheating by roulette croupiers at a Casino, you would likely want to investigate further to ensure games are conducted fairly and without any unethical practices. By ensuring everyone follows the rules and upholds the integrity of the games, we can maintain a fair and enjoyable playing experience for all participants.
Why do we need rules anyway?
Rules serve a crucial purpose in protecting everyone involved in a casino, including players, employees, and the establishment itself. Without rules, chaos, disputes, and even conflicts could arise, making it difficult to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for all.
While some rules may seem obscure or difficult to understand, others may be blatantly obvious. Nevertheless, all rules have been put in place for a reason, whether it’s to maintain fairness, prevent fraud, or promote responsible gambling practices. So what went wrong while I was playing?
Experienced roulette players may have noticed croupiers often roll the ball before calling “no more bets.” While the official reasoning behind this practice is unclear, it may serve to eliminate any appearance of impropriety and to reassure players the game is being conducted fairly.
It’s well understandable players wouldn’t want to feel like they are being cheated in any way, and a skilled croupier could potentially influence the outcome of the game by rolling the ball and dropping it in a particular spot. While they may not be able to target specific numbers, they could certainly influence the outcome within a range of numbers or a particular section of the wheel.
It’s important to note, however, that the vast majority of croupiers are honest and have no intention of manipulating the game in any way. Nevertheless, it’s always wise to remain vigilant and observant to ensure everything is being conducted fairly and transparently.
I visited Perth Casino & witnessed some & dodgy shit
During a recent visit to Crown Casino Perth with my wife and her sister, I excitedly made my way to the roulette, eager to lose some money win some money. For the first hour or so everything proceeded as usual with the ball being launched before no more bets were called. Though change was on the horizon when a new croupier showed up!
Now there is a 10-second delay after no more bets were called before the ball was released. While no one else seemed to take notice, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off and decided to stop playing. Instead, I observed the next few rounds with interest and noted the croupier consistently followed the same pattern of delaying the release of the ball.
I waited for the next croupier to take over, hoping that they would follow the usual procedure of launching the ball after no more bets were called. Unfortunately, they continued the same practice of delaying the release by up to 10 seconds, which only reinforced my suspicions.
It was nearly two hours before the casino staff, after a new croupier, began adhering to their own rules and resumed the standard practice of launching the ball after no more bets were called. While this experience left me feeling uneasy, I’m grateful for the casino’s eventual compliance with their own procedures and continued commitment to maintaining the integrity of the game. It’s more fun when we all play by the rules.
A snippet from the rules for Roulette, playing & dealing
To quote some random rules I found on the internet;
The game begins when the croupier says “Place your bets”. You must then proceed to place the bets of your choice. In contrast to European Roulette, spoken announcements are forbidden and you must place your bets yourself on the gaming table. The croupier spins the ball in the wheel and when it is about to make its last two rounds, he announces “No more bets” and you must stop placing bets.
According to the rules above the ball begins spinning before calling “no more bets”.
After doing further googling I discovered a document on Crown Melbourne’s website titled “Roulette Table Games version 16.1“. Under chapter 5.3 it clearly states the ball will be spinning prior to calling no more bets.
For Crown Perth I found a similar document where in chapter 4.4 the following text was found;
Whilst the ball is still rotating in the track around the wheel the Dealer shall signal and announce in a clear voice “No more bets”, where upon betting shall cease.
Under heading General Rules for Dealing
I am not saying they are cheating at Crown Casino

Don’t get the wrong idea, I’m not accusing Crown Perth of being dishonest as my previous experiences have always been good, however, eyebrows are raised when dealers don’t appear entirely above board. Optics are everything right now for Australian casinos, particularly following release of the Royal Commission’s Final Report!
I put this incident down to a couple of bored croupiers not paying attention, being new or simply poorly trained.
Obviously nobody likes losing but I am OK with when I lose fairly & squarely. I’m well aware, and you should be too, the randomness of roulette will always bite you on the ass regardless of how good you are or how bullet-proof your system might be.
Australian Casinos, in the eyes of the community, don’t have stellar names right now. With accusations of money laundering, loan-sharking & more being levelled against them. Crown and others must appear beyond reproach and squeaky clean at all times. Every roll of a dice, turn of a card or spin of a roulette wheel must leave no doubt in the mind of punters.
I get that mistakes are made
Gamblers understand your business model demands you take our money, similarly, our own goal is to fleece you of your money; it’s a war of attrition, which sadly, you are winning.
I don’t want anyone to think I’m against casinos or gambling, actually that isn’t entirely true because I am anti-gambling (horses, footy, etc.) but I do enjoy a few games of roulette. Can you smell the hypocrisy there?
I also recognise the social importance of places like Crown, so much so I’d like to join the board of Crown and be involved in improving their image.
I don’t want to discourage people from visiting, they employ a lot of people, bring in tourism, and our local economy is better for it. Crown do offer gamblers & non-gamblers alike a great day out with top restaurants and live shows as well as opportunities for socialising & networking. I don’t want your experience to be tainted as a result of the laziness of a few employees who simply can’t be bothered.
My final word
What I regret is not speaking with an official on the day. I did try but everyone I found were busy speaking with others and eventually the problem resolved itself with replacement croupiers. However, it is up to patrons to keep an eye on how they conduct themselves and we must be vigilant and pay attention to the details.
I do have dates and times as well as info on where I was in the casino, so if Crown are interested in more details please contact me using email address info[@]wozblogger.com.au.
Also, see my new Roulette Blog about my roulette experiences and what I have learnt.